About us


It is important for us to have a vibrant value-based work that permeates all parts of the business. It can be seen in the way management applies our core values but also in the work we do.


We stand up for each other

We use knowledge to help each other.

We share our knowledge with co-workers.

We have open and straightforward dialogue.

We’re not afraid to ask.

We raise concerns and point out problems as soon as possible.

We take responsibility for the company’s assets.



We go the extra mile

We never accept “it doesn’t work”.

We develop Independent businesses.

Going the extra mile gives you the opportunity to develop your role.



We build loyalty

We solve the customer’s problems.

We listen to the customer’s expectations.

We are responsive to the customer’s wishes.

We provide the customer with quick responses to inquiries.

We dare to question the customer, but we always come up with an alternate plan of action when doing so.

For us, everything is possible.